"Seder" means "order" in Hebrew. A Passover Seder is a special meal celebrating Passover. It is the meal Jesus took with his disciples immediately before he went to die on the cross. It was at the last Passover Seder, that Jesus washed the disciples feet. It was at the last Passover Seder that He took the unleavened bread and the cup of wine known as the cup of redemption in the Seder meal and declared "this do in rememberance of me."
So the Seder is a memorial of what Jesus did for the redemption of mankind, but it also hearkens back further in time as a rememberance of God's protection of the Israelites through the plague of death of the first-born that was sent on the Egyptians. Passover was instituted by the Lord as a rememberance of the death angel "passing over" those who were covered by the blood of the slain lamb.
We celebrate Passover as Christians as a remembrance of Jesus' death, burial, and resurrection, and as a recognition of His deliverance from death to life of those who have put their faith in Him. Practically, it is a special meal taken together during which we remember (by scripture readings and recitations) the various aspects of God's physical deliverance of the people of Israel from the hands of Egypt and His spiritual deliverance of all believers from the kingdom of darkness.
Space is limited. Fill out registration form to reserve your place.
Saturday, April 12, 5:00 to 8:00 p.m. (please arrive by 4:45 p.m.)
PRICE: Will be announced soon. Please note, adults and children are the same price. Complete registration form to reserve your place and we will contact you with the price as soon as it is finalized.
This event will follow a Messianic Haggadah (prayers and order for the Seder). The Seder involves prayers, readings and worship in the middle of which a catered dinner is served. It lasts about 3 hours from start to finish.
Please note: Dinner will be served after 6:00; plan accordingly. No special dietary needs can be accommodated.
Children are welcome to attend with parents but we strongly advise that no children under 10 attend due to the length of the seder and attention spans. We do not provide childcare and there is no place for children to be seperate from where the event will take place. Children must be under parental supervision at all times.
The price of registration covers the cost of the meal.
As part of all God's appointed times, the people brought or prepared an offering. So we will make a way for you to give a love offering during the event and would ask you to consider what the Lord might have you give to the Lord.